Beliefs vs Real Life

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When I was diagnosed with leaky gut, I was told that the reason I had leaky gut was because I was on a plant based diet. I was told that the most evidence-based diet for healing the leaky gut was a diet based on a paleo philosophy.

A paleo diet is based on the philosophy that you eat according to how you evolved, therefore we should eat meat and vegetables because our ancestors were hunters and gatherers. They also believe that agriculture was something that humans started doing very recently and foods that are farmed—like grains, seeds and legumes—are not digested well because humans did not evolve eating this way.

According to Genesis, humans were created in a garden, the original diet was plant based, and the original occupation was that of agriculture. It’s a totally different paradigm.

When I googled, “Should Christians eat Paleo” I was relieved to find that there were others who were also asking the same question. However, according to some of the bloggers I read, spiritual beliefs could/should be separated from dietary practice, medical decisions, or other decisions that have to do with practical daily living.

I am very pragmatic about what I believe and don’t like dissonance in my life. My thinking is that what I believe spiritually should be something that I can bring into my day to day life. If it is true that humans were created, science should give evidence to the diet that was first given to mankind in the garden of Eden—a plant based diet. If it isn’t true, I don’t see a point in continuing to believe in it.

Wondering what you think?