The Right Arm of the Gospel
The Story
Med Missionary was started by Dr. Joyce Choe and Mercy Ballard RN in the summer of 2020. The world drastically changed in 2020 and the founders saw the societal consequence of depending on an overtaxed medical system to carry the load in a global health crisis.
The health principles used by Seventh-day Adventist Christians have helped prepare people to effectively handle health crises. The historical stance of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is that it is according to Biblical principle to teach families how to take care of themselves when sick, using simple and safe methods that are accessible to all.
This course deals heavily with diet, specifically a diet that helps heal the digestive system and improves the immune system function. The dietary principles are those found in the Autoimmune Recovery Plan. The basics of what the dietary aspect of the course teaches are to:
Eat plant-based foods that are high in nutrition.
Soak and sprout seeds, legumes, grains, and nuts to decrease anti-nutrients and to increase nutrient availability.
How to avoid high-risk GMO foods and Glyphosate.
Minimize exposure to plastics and other chemicals.
The course also teaches simple lifestyle changes and helpful remedies that will speed recovery.
The intention is that the student will learn the principles and gain the experience of improved health themselves. This experience can then be used to help others. Our course graduates go on to become missionaries who will participate in the gospel commission to relieve suffering and to restore the image of God in humanity.
Who Takes This Course?
We have graduated many people who have used this information to do health coaching, lifestyle medicine, as well as missionary work. There are many who have taken this course to learn information to help others and have found that the health practices implemented have relieved their own health issues.
These principles have helped people who have suffered from disabilities from autoimmune disease, long-haul Covid and vaccine injury. We believe that we will see much more of these conditions in the future and believe that God’s people should prepare to help provide solutions to the problem of death and disease, especially in the midst of a global health crisis.
We would recommend that those who take this course be ready to implement the principles learned here during the 6-8 week period of time, for maximal value.
About the Med Missionary Course
The principles of eating outlined in The Autoimmune Recovery Plan, which is highly focused on anti-inflammatory eating to combat and eliminate disease. These are delivered through six weekly Sunday Lectures live on Zoom, along with other course content.
The plans used to guide diet and lifestyle changes that keep chronic illnesses from returning, including the Therapeutic Plan and Maintenance Plan.
Health Lectures that provide the science behind the Autoimmune Recovery Plan in two Lecture series: Health and The Laws of Health.
Food Preparation Tutorial Videos
Natural Remedies education that demonstrates how and when to use our approved natural remedies.
Health in the Bible videos by Danna and Kalon Gesellchen
History of medical missionary work by David Fiedler audio files
Downloadable resources in the form of PDFs, text documents, and more to supplement your education.
Content availability: This content is available during the length of the course (usually this is approximately 8 weeks).
The Med Missionary Course is designed for Seventh-day Adventists
However, we have welcomed and continue to welcome those of other denominations to take the course! The developers of this course use a Creation paradigm to educate about the subject of health and believe that health objectives will be attained more successfully when humans understand how they were designed to function. Registrants should be respectful of a Creation paradigm.