Health at What Cost?

If I told you that to save the life of your mother or father, we had to possibly sacrifice the life of someone else, most of us would say that that was too costly of a health plan.

Consider the current health plan.

According to the CDC, as of December 18 of 2020, 112,807 vaccines had been given. Of those, 3,150 people (2.8%) were thereafter “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional”.

The Epoch Times reports that 55 deaths have occurred in the United States alone due to the current vaccines. In addition to the deaths, there were “96 life-threatening well as 24 permanent disabilities, 225 hospitalizations, and 1,388 emergency room visits” were reported.

This is a record number of death and disability. Is the purported benefit of some being saved from this virus worth the potential death and disability of those who are injected? If so, what rate of death and disability are we willing to accept as “safe”?

Natural remedies have scientifically sound physiologic effects that have been used through much of human history with much safety and effectiveness.

The humbleness of natural remedies causes them to be looked upon with some disdain by medical practitioners and lay people alike. But when we faced an even deadlier pandemic in 1918, Adventists who treated the Spanish flu with hydrotherapy and other natural remedies proved that these remedies were by far superior to what the scientific establishment was using at the time.

I’m posting here a link to our talk on natural remedies and simple things we can all do to improve our immune systems so that we all have a better chance of surviving whatever virus that comes along. If you benefit, please like and share.

Survive and Thrive 2021: Preparing for COVID


CDC Presentation

The Epoch Times

Ron Paul Institute


Signs of the Times

In 1918 the world faced the Spanish Flu pandemic in which many people died. D.H. Kress MD in this article has many practical solutions to prevent the flu but pay attention to the last part. This component of the health message still applies today.

Preventatives of Influenza - Signs of the Times.jpg
Joyce Choe