The Autoimmune Recovery Plan Is Available NOW!

What Does Living With Autoimmune Disease Mean To You?

Are you discouraged from going from doctor to doctor without any real progress on finding a solution? Have you tried many remedies, diets and protocols to try to cure yourself but your symptoms continue to progress? 

Arthritis, digestive issues, distressful skin lesions, food sensitivities, and other symptoms of leaky gut and autoimmune disease cause a lot of suffering. Pain, disability, fatigue, loss of work and social life—these are all issues that many deal with on a regular basis—not to mention the numerous side effects that are caused by conventional drugs. 

The good news is that there is hope. The Autoimmune Recovery Plan is based on the protocol administered at Years Restored, an Christian lifestyle center located in Forbestown, California, where hundreds of people have found relief since 2013. This plan targets one of the main contributing factors of many diseases—gut health and inflammation—and teaches a plant-based method of detox and recovery. 

Now, Mercy and Dr. Joyce are bringing the Years Restored program TO YOU through a comprehensive digital course with videos, cookbook and workbook, and access to a private community with Mercy & Dr. Joyce and others in the program. In this course, you'll get step-by-step instruction, live coaching, cooking demonstrations and will be able to join a community of people where together, you can begin the journey to put autoimmune disease in remission and get your life back! 


If You're Tired Of Living With Autoimmune Disease, Take The Autoimmune Recovery Plan And Begin Your Journey To Wellness Today!

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Now, for only $499 you will receive:

  • The Faith-Based, Science-Based, and Plant-Based "Years Restored" Protocol For Reversing Autoimmune Disease (an over $3,000 value) Without Leaving Your Home! A Total Of Over 30 Hours of Video Content Which You can Watch Any Time!

  • Exclusive Access To A Member's Area Where All the Videos And Course Materials Are Available (You'll own this course online forever!)

  • A Private Group On Facebook Where You Interact with Dr. Joyce and Mercy and with others, just like you.

  • Every two weeks, Mercy and Dr. Joyce will do a live webinar on Zoom and Facebook Live to answer questions

  • Four Modules (20+ hours) Of Lesson Video Instruction From Dr. Joyce Choe, MD, MPH Where You Will Learn The Science Behind The Protocol 

  • Free 131 Page E-Cookbook The Autoimmune Plant-Based Cookbook

  • A 7 Day Plant-Based Meal Plan Designed To Heal Your Body

    Handouts (Downloadable PDFs) To Go Along With Videos

  • A Comprehensive Grocery List So You Can Learn What Foods You Need

  • Step-by-Step Instruction For Detoxing And Healing Leaky Gut (Completely Plant-Based!)

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Would you like to contact us? 

You can reach us by email at

or by text/call at (855) 946-5377

We provide no warranty for the information on this website. The information is intended for educational purposes only and we give the participants the responsibility of determining the value, quality, and validity of the information provided. The information provided on this website is not medical advice. It is based on our own research, experience, and understanding. Our intention is to help our readers and viewers understand general principles of wellness, but we make no claims as to be able to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease for any individual. We recommend that you work with your health care providers and use your own judgment before altering your diet and lifestyle.