The End of the World

When I first started studying the Bible with the girls, one of their mothers, a close friend, asked if she could talk with me before we started studying.

“Joyce, my daughter has had anxiety and panic attacks and what the Bible says about what will happen when the world ends gives her anxiety. When you do your Bible study, I’m just asking that you not talk about the end of the world.”

I agreed not to talk about end times. We were going to be reading from Genesis, so I didn’t think it would be an issue. However, as we were talking about Cain and Abel, this is what happened.

“Girls, isn’t it really interesting that the first murder took place between two brothers over the subject of worship? Did you know that this controversy about how to worship will happen again at the end of time?” 


I really didn’t mean to do it. It just came out.

I didn’t know exactly how to move forward, but as the girls started asking me questions, I gingerly and prayerfully answered. And at the end, we of course prayed together.

I got a text from my friend’s daughter shortly after:

“Hi Auntie Joyce!! i just wanted to tell you that i was SO BLESSED by today’s Bible study! i am (again) motivated to study His Word. I was VERY scared while we were talking, but after the prayer, i felt peace. It was amazing. Even though I feel that fear sometimes, it helps to know that since I am the apple of Jesus’s eye, He would NEVER let me suffer through something I cannot handle.

“The first time you told me that, I teared up, for I had almost forgotten that promise! I actually had anxiety before back in 6th grade, and I’m soo much better, thank God! but I still have fears sometimes. The end times are tough for me to face and think about. but I know that I should always remind myself that i should trust in Him!

“Thank you so much for every single Bible study!!! I hope you have a wonderful wk and I CANT wait for next Saturday!!! goodnight!💗💗💗”

For those of us who see Bible prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes, as sobering as these events are, we can put our trust in God. Let’s empower those around us to know the One who gives us peace in the midst of this storm, courage through the fear, and purpose when all around us seems dark and meaningless. Jesus is coming again.

Joyce Choe