Offended or Offensive?

Are you offended or offensive?

Many of us are interested in knowing what is truth. Ironically, we humans can get really defensive and angry when people don’t believe as we do. I speak from experience and from observing interactions here and elsewhere.

We want to “speak the truth in love”, because it will not matter how “right” we are about the information we share, if it does not produce the spirit of kindness, courtesy, forgiveness, and forbearance in others or in our own lives.

When you are offended, are you offended for the truth’s sake? Or for your own? How will you deal with that offense?

Let us forbear. Forbear with each other. If your brother or sister offends you, consider it practice for the future time when all will betray you. Let’s practice speaking in the spirit of truth and love.

2 Corinthians 3:18 describes that as we see Jesus more clearly, we will reflect Him more in our lives. We show in how we treat each other, how converted our hearts are.

We are all on a journey to see things more clearly and the Bible says that as we see Jesus more clearly, we shall be like Him. This is an impossibility for us to do, except for by the grace and righteousness of Christ. “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible,” Mark 10:27.

This character work is a very real aspect of medical missionary work, which is the practical work of the gospel.

“Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it.”.—Medical Ministry, 239. – {CME 7.4}

Let us help each other see a reflection of Jesus in us today as we forgive and forbear in our interactions with each other.

Joyce Choe