What Kind of Diet?

What Kind of Diet is Everyone On?

At a local church that I was attending, I noticed that many of the church members seemed to be suffering from health issues. I spoke to a church leader and asked if the church would like some health lectures. The response was a very enthusiastic yes.

I spoke two Sunday afternoons. The first Sunday I spoke about natural remedies for infections and the second Sunday about how to eat to optimize immunity. As I shared, I could tell that people’s hearts were touched and that they really wanted to make changes. How would each respond to conviction?

When I visited the church again I saw a gentleman who had been suffering from severe fatigue and was on multiple medications for high blood pressure. He had been doing the diet for two weeks. “How are you doing? How is the fatigue?” I asked, almost afraid of what I might hear.

“Oh it’s much better! I can’t wait to see what it does when I’m on the plan for a few months! I’ve lost 6 pounds and yesterday I stopped my proton pump inhibitors. I forgot to take them!”

I had gotten to know a lady who had chronic lymphocytic leukemia who had failed chemotherapy and had been in severe abdominal pain. She told me the abdominal pain was gone, she was feeling better, and as we spoke, she told me that her arthritic bent little finger was no longer crooked…she was just noticing as we spoke.

A farmer who helped with audiovisual came up to me and told me, “You know, ever since I heard those talks I decided to get rid of all the soda and juice. I only drink water now.”

He pointed out the church window to the parking lot where his car was. “I used to have to stop and catch my breath when I would walk out the distance from here to my car. I don’t do that anymore!”

A lady came up to me at the church lunch and told me she hadn’t been able to make it to the classes and that she was planning to come to the cooking class that we had planned. She then asked the best question I’ve heard,

“What kind of diet is everyone on that they feel so much better?”

Praise the Lord that health is available for all. Simple changes can effect powerful results. Praying for all who believe in that promise: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2, KJV).

Joyce Choe