A New World Order

Throughout world history, there has always been a subset of men striving for dominance. Men seeking to control their fellow men. Many of these have been in positions of great leadership, trust, and honor.

Consider Brock Chisholm, the first director general of the World Health Organization and one of the writers of the WHO’s constitution, who is quoted to have said:

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

It is difficult to understand how a human being could think this way, let alone a physician or a health organization. However, I believe that it illustrates the depths to which humanity sinks when it thinks that it can attain to anything, apart from its Creator.

Chesholm was a Marxist, which is a humanistic ideology. Humanism focuses on the developmental potential of man, premised on the basis that this potential develops apart from God.

Closely tied to humanism is the doctrine of evolution, which teaches that life happens outside of God and that it is the fittest that survive. When one believes that survival is the reason and purpose for their existence and that their survival depends solely on them, control and domination of others for the purpose of survival can become acceptable, even laudable.

The desire to be like God and the desire to control other humans has been a problem for humanity ever since sin entered into our existence and caused distrust of God. Perhaps it is a faulty, inaccurate view that many have of God that has inaccurately informed much of the world of what leadership and world dominion should look like.

To control mankind is a concept totally foreign to God’s government. The Bible says that Jesus came to free us from the bondage of sin. The servant leadership demonstrated by the Creator God of the universe was this—“Christ was to be made ‘a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death’”.

This is the amazing love of our Creator God for a world that does not love him. How wonderful it would be if we all had a true picture of who our Creator is and how He lives and leads.

With the rapid change of events we have seen this year, most of us are bracing ourselves for what the future holds. It will take a miracle for anyone to be able to stop the events that have been put into motion and save this failing world.

However, nothing is too big a problem for heaven. God, who gave all of heaven for humanity, is constantly at work to intercede for us. Our Creator is coming back to this earth and someday soon, He will restore His grace and perfect order to this chaotic world. Do you believe that? Then let nothing stop us from knowing God and hastening His return.

Joyce Choe